Pissed Off Paki

I'm pissed off and I'm Paki - do I really need to say anything more?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

To the Indians

I think it's hilarious that Indians still think of Pakistan as the enemy, when it's clear we don't even stand a chance anymore. This isn't the 60's when we actually had some semblance of military prowesses, we're nothing more than a nuisance factor at this point. Besides, we have better things to worry about, like our own terrorism issues, political struggles and volatile economy being hammered by the high price of oil.

I would argue that Naxalites are probably a more strategic threat, seeing how they've started to go after something very critical to India - infrastructure. The recent attacks on the Essar facilities is a dangerous sign, seeing those type of facilities are crucial to India becoming the economic power that it wants to be.

That's not to discount the tragedy that are these attacks and the recent ones that was have been perpetrated by "Islamofascists" or whatever you would like to call them. I'm not naive to think that the ISI never supported the groups and used them to perpetrate proxy wars in J&K, and even in the heart of India up to the middle of this decade. Let's not however forget that RAW does provide support to Baloch insuregency, and that's completely fair - it's all about realpolitik. However, at this point, Pakistan is reaping the consequences of such a sort-sighted policy (like violence legitimized by religious rhetoric isn't going to end up in your own house, seriously), and frankly, the army might as well deserve the recent attention they've been getting from their estranged offspring.

I don't know why, but I just get pissed when people scream Pakis or muslims at every bit of terrorism, when more Pakis and muslims have been victim to it these last few years. Then again, I love going to muslim forums and try to get them to admit there is a problem in the community where violence against civilians is considered acceptable in some circumstances.

Sometimes I really question the two-nation theory, seeing how the 500 million muslims in the subcontinent might have been a large enough population that would make it difficult to oppress, and then I read about Godhra and see Hindu leaders admit on camera they had free rein, and smack myself on the head. Then I see a Pathwardhan film and think maybe we're just fucked in the head and just need to really stop giving a crap about emotions like pride and take the Marsellus Wallace approach.

I'm just ranting now.


At 1:49 PM, Blogger Cyberswami said...

ha. well said. but i think we would still have been better off as one nation. a bit slower to get anywhere, perhaps, but more steady.

At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rightly said. But I don't think the hatred between the two would ever vanish as long as the fear of each other rules us. People within one country are seeing each other with hatred, then do you think people of two different countries (which were separated in the name of religion) would ever come close?

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At 10:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you using Godhera incident as an excuse that Muslims are not safe in India? Have you been to India? Muslims are doing equally well as Hindus - be it any field and Muslim girls are much more confident, educated and financially independent than Pakistani girls.In recent elections, Muslim voters voted for congress not for Muslim leaders.In Pakistan, only affluent class is doing well but in India, middle class - be it Hindu, Muslim, Christians everyone can become a successful entrepreneur or go abroad to study and carve a niche. For instance, Fareed Zakaria and A.R Rehman -both are Muslims and are world famous personalities.
We Indians are not at all bothered about Pakistan. We don't even think about Pakistan.Indians are very mature and know that our success lies in development and progress of our nation.

At 12:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Blog Alybaba. I really enjoyed reading your posts.Very refreshing.

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you start posting again. Thanks for visiting my blog.

At 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend.I hope to see you again.

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just dropping by to say Hi!

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At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a great summer.

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Aly Baba, Happy Independence Day!

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At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol @ the rishta comment. I actually loved reading this. Sometimes, I too wonder if separating has caused us more harm than good. We made enemies when we could have made friends! India still has muslims in it who're prolly more proud to call themselves Indians than we're to call ourselves Pakistani.


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