Pissed Off Paki

I'm pissed off and I'm Paki - do I really need to say anything more?

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Canadian plot - in defense of multiculturalism

Its not multiculturalism.

There are 750,000 Muslims in Canada. Yet, this is the first indication of a real threat and plot. Why didn't their siblings and family members also become influenced by their jihadist mentality? They obviously maintained the culture too and did not assimilate. Hell, I would argue the older generation is probably less assimilated, than their kids who are atleast exposed to Canadian society for 15 years on a daily basis when they went to school. The suspects played basketball, went fishing - alleged mastermind even married a white woman. Even looking at the London bombing, Jermain Lindsay was freakin Jamaican. In this case you have a Hindu who converted, so its not like he brought the jihadist culture with him. Richard Reid is another example. There are hundreds of thousands of Muslims kids who might disagree with all they see around them, but yet don't make that leap to violence and jihadism.

I blame the wahabis. See the post below.


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my dear alubaba, may i point out that you are tarring the 'other' in much the same fashion as the muslim commnity is being maligned.. did you listen to rex murphy's show on cbc.ca last sunday? there was moderation on display. and canada hasnt forgotten air india, flq and even the nutcase who blew himself up on parliament hill. and dont let the american viewpoint take over. be cool. have a kebab. that reminds me, i got to make dinner. g'nite.

At 8:38 PM, Blogger alybaba said...

I guess I just got carried away seeing all the farkers harp on that policy today morning. I'll change the headline, as thats the only indication of tarring the 'other' that I can see.

At 10:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no worries man... i just hate to see you (us) be on the defensive when shit, it's not like you (we) had anything to do with it. in my mid-twenties i wanted to make others change their point of view. now i just chill out and do my thing, business as usual - yea i got reamed at the us border once - but sanity will prevail - dont worry abotu the american pov - they are the minority.

At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First time visitor...

I am impressed. I hope Sepia invites you to guest post soon.

At 2:16 AM, Blogger alybaba said...


I'm flattered. Seriously. However, I don't know if Sepia is ready for a Pakistani blogger, especially considering the current political climate.

At 10:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muslims should go back to the middle east if they don'r Canada. Give us all peace please.

At 1:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Toronto and find South Asians to be very rude and uncultured. They lie and cheat in business and, quite frankly, as human beings they're pretty low on the evolutionary ladder. Eventually, we'll have to cull the herd, but for now, we'll smile and pretend that we tolerate them...


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