Pissed Off Paki

I'm pissed off and I'm Paki - do I really need to say anything more?

Monday, July 17, 2006

The Colour Complex

I've always been aware of the South Asian fetish for fair skin, growing up watching Fair & Lovely ads, but today it really hit me. While browsing through a random cricket forum, someone linked an article from a semi-popular Indian filmi portal called Glamsham.com. I was shocked. Down in the fifth paragraph Rimi Sen has the audacity to state: "Rohit Shetty is amazing as a director. He can make even a black African look pretty". Its not just the statement that offends me - its also the fact that Glamsham saw it appropriate enough to print, and to my knowledge no retraction has been offered on part of Rimi or Glamsham. Worse, a simple Google search shows that the remark only raised outrage in a handful of media outlets - that too from internet outlets radiosargam.com, but the rest are syndicated from it too, such as the Himalayan Times and Sulekha.com

Its really shouldn't be that surprising - a simple look through various matrimonial sites confirms that fair skin is a considered a superior quality in the South Asian marriage market. I'm sure a fair(sic)number of us have heard the issue come up in our own lives whether through relatives or family friends. The recent arranged marriage lawsuit filed in Massachusetts partly charges that the bride-to-be was assured to be "equally beautiful with fair complexion" and turned out to be "ugly with dark complexion". The sad fact is that that the plaintiff is a retired environmental engineer who has been living in North America for the past 30 years. The same attitude prevails across religious lines, and even the level of education, and its far too common - for my liking atleast.

So where does it come from? At this point I'm just going to throw some wild ideas. One can take a full-blown historical approach and use the controversial (and now debunked?) Aryan Invasion theory to make a hypothesis: The Aryans came to India, and setup the caste system basing it on skin colour to retain their dominance over their Dravidian subjects, with the recent colonial experience reinforcing it. Ketan Mehta alludes to this in Lagaan, if I recall correctly, when Kachra the untouchable is rejected by the team, and Aamir Khan inserts skin colour into the caste argument in his dialogue. Or you could just blame it on the English, but I'm sure it can be documented prior to their arrival - please correct me if I'm wrong. Another theory could be that the various invasions of South Asia have historically come from the fairer-skinned inhabitants from the North and the West, and the feudals had formed a habit of colluding with them, and often adapting their customs and ideologies in the process. Muslims aren't off the hook either - an examination of Pakistani's subjugation of East Pakistan/Bangladesh shows that the West Pakistani elite often rationalized their behaviour on their own particular brand of race theory. In Emma Duncan's brilliant book Breaking the Curfew - A Political Journey through Pakistan (unfortunately no longer in print), she describes how the West Pakistanis saw their darker Bengali Muslim counterparts as contaminated with Indian blood, as opposed to their own fairer Persian and Arab lineages.

However, this is a complex topic, and there are also unanswered questions from my side - Is this just a North Indian phenomenon, or is skin colour a commodity in South India as well? Is it prevalent or practised in minority communities like Christians, Sikhs and Parsis as well? Has the problem been exacerbated by skin lightening creams and the media's propensity to prop up fair-skinned beauties, or is just a reflection of public demand and perception? How is the preference for fair skin in South Asia related to similar issues in other societies like Arabia, Africa and Latin America - are they all the products of different historical legacies, or essentially borne of Eurocentric standards from the colonial era? Additionally, I'd love if someone could point to some academic research in this area, so the discussion can proceed on concrete ground, rather than my own whacky hypotheses.

All I have to say is that I'll take Nandita Das over most (if not all) fair-skinned Bollywood actresses any day.


At 12:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indians (and probably all south east asians) tend to be racist without knowing it. I have lost counts of how many times I have cringed at a fellow desi using black and african as a derogatory term. The sad part is that they don't even realize they are being racist.

Oh and yay for Nandita, though I think Kajol and Bipasha are even hotter. I *heart* bengali women.

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Light skin is the equivalent of pretty in our (sub-continental) culture. Dark skin was always associated with labor outside the home, hence working class.* This is true all the way down to our southern, dravidian beauties. If you are a woman a nice trousseau/dowry helps rub the dark away. If you are a man, family money or a damn good job helps us overlook the darker skin as well.

The sentiment is no big shocker here. The fact that it wasn't even mildly interesting to to the readers just goes to show how widespread that belief is.

In all fairness, we are all allowed to find different people attractive for different reasons. Why not skin color?


*This was true across europe as well.

At 12:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

JayV - nothing wrong with finding only fair people attractive - no one can dictate who/what you are attracted to. My problem is with the rampant dumping on dark skinned women. Just because you don't find them attractive doesn't give you the right to berate them ("Oh she's a darkie")

At 2:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great post. Even my mother and I have gone at it over this topic. "Yeh ladki pyaari hain, na? Dekho, uski rang bi saaf hai."

What does rang have to do with anything? She could be whiter the cast of ABBA but if she's a bitch or a princess, then what the point of her looks anyway?

I definitely think the whole skin color issue is a classist thing within a particular society. The lighter you are = the more aristocratic your family was because they were never getting dark in the fields cutting sugar cane and making cow patties. This mode of thinking carries over to the rest of the 3rd world - look how deathly afraid many east Asian women are from their skin ever feeling one split second of sunshine. Rampant in Latin America and the Middle East, too.

And true, there's the ethnic element as you said as well. Sometimes you feel all Kashmiris are known for is fighting and fair skin. Not the best qualities to be known by, I'd say.

Sadly, I don't think such ass-backward thinking is going to leave the subcontinent anytime soon.

At 7:08 AM, Blogger Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

lol @ fair and lovely ads. Haven't we all grown up with that, atleast those of us who have lived in Pakistan.

I remember a song by Vital Signs, Gori. "Gori rang ka zamana kabhi hoga na porana."

It seems that is still the case.

An extremely racist remark, and like ajju said, they probably don't even think in terms of racism or not...their perception of beauty is truly based on an inferiority complex towards their former colonizers. Tragic.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got my own about Pakis, entitled "I don't like Pakis and here's why." This doesn't mean I detest those of you who actually detest injustice even in your own culture, not at all. But I'll not sugar-coat what I said after having said it. I don't like the bulk of Pakis, I don't like the Paki culture, nor India's for the most part, but I have found Paki culture to be more confrontational and rude than Indian. Bangladeshis have never been rude to me or anyone in my presence in the times I've crossed paths with them, in the masajid, or in stores, or in business.
But I and most Black people I know, (African and African-American alike) cannot stand Pakis or Indians, and can get along with Arabs a little better. This is largely due to their attitudes about skin color always being in favor of those who oppressed us all in to the disfavor of those who oppressed others the least.
After September 11th, 2001, I was so HAPPY that Arabs and Indians and Pakis were getting snatched up and locked up by these white folks whose same daughters are pursuing BLACK MEN TO HAVE bLACK BABIES, I could have danced a jig! Because this time, the "other" niggers were finding out what we Africans had been telling them all along.... that when they're not around, white folks call them nigger, too. Not just I, but WE were happy about this. What has changed in recent years is that Arabs have admittied their faulty attitudes towards us, and Latinos have begun to appreciate their non-white heritages more, thereby both groups are getting along real well with us over all, especially Panamanians, Colombians, and Puerto Ricans. But Desis/Pakis are still entertaining notions about the inferiority of dark skin and Black people, and that is okay for the Hindus who would sooner worship a monkey and a cow than to respect or look like an African. But for the Muslims among you to imitate this against what Allah revealed is a travesty! It has honestly been due to Paki culture that many get a bad impression of Islam and began to hate it. I'd blame Arabs, too, but they've begun to admit their mistakes and be more honest about their shortcomings.
With that said, let me commend you for attacking this issue, but also let me warn you because you deserve to be kept informed.... because your cultures have been color-struck for so long, the only way that there may be a reconciliation between Indians/Pakistanis and Africans is when African men can marry Indian/Pakistani women with no opposition based on color, the same way they can marry Bangladeshi women with no problem now.

At 4:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just an opinion, I have found Blacks or negroes are just as racist to others so dont go lecturing on about how racist Asians are.
It is well researched that Black IQ is lowest compared to other races in general, read "the bell curve" So perhaps it is more than a color thing including different features and culture.
And Asians, Middle Easterners and Hispanics are pretty wise to the Western countries policy of promoting Blacks over other races in the media and jobs. It seems you can say some things about other races but not Blacks, despite the facts showing in America Blacks comprise 12% of the population but over 50% of the prison population is Black. Many excuses are given such as lack of opportunity etc, but nothing is mentioned about other races having to go through these same problems and manage to pull themselves up by their boot straps.

And why don't Blacks stick to their own race? why do they feel they need to mix with others?

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous, here's the deal. We're not promoted above other races, nor are they commonly promoted above us, though somethimes they are. See, Latinos go through much of what we go through, too. So not all other races come here and pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Latin Americans are trying, but they're not paid minimum wage for their labor. The Thai and the other southeast Asians are doing okay, but they're working far too hard for their fare share many times. Even Africans are experiencing many different kinds of results after migrating here. Some Nigerians are doing quite well, but most African immigrants are doing just a tad bit better than Mexicans.
Now, I'll speak to how South Asians are doing better than us. I have no problem admitting this, but at least half of it is from a shameful method of selling haram to the poor Blacks and Latinos in the ghettoes.
And really, many Black people don't mind sticking to their own, but in Africa you find Asian men running after African women and yet ready to kill an African man for suggesting marriage to one of their own women. That's not egalitarian, especially for a Muslim.
And how are you gonna quote statistics that might be true to draw a conclusion that isn't? You quote those statitstics, but why did you leave out the statistics that show that judges and juries are more likely to convict Black defendants than whites, with equal evidence, or that Blacks with no criminal records are no more likely to be hired than white applicants with criminal records? Or that the Bell Curve is based on a test that was culturally biased?

I mentioned race-mixing for two reasons. One of them is because South Asians, aside from Bangladeshis, have shown that they'd rather marry a white than a Black, despite whites' oppression of them and Blacks' non-oppression of them. That indicates a white supremacist attitude, and we will always be sensitive to that from other non-whites.

At 5:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indians and Pakistanis are brainwashed.......no sugar-coating on this comment, just brainwashed. They are not the only cultures/ethnicities that are brainwashed, but they are toward the for-front in this area. What kills me is how ridiculous it looks for a S.E. Asian to make a comment about another culture being 'dark' when they are the same, if not darker than the people who they are commenting on. I find Filipinoes to fit this category also. The light ones are seen as 'pretty' and the rest..... it is ridiculous really, and only if these S.E. Asians knew that EVEN THE LIGHTEST AMONG YOU ARE SEEN AS NO MORE THAN 'DIRTY INDIANS' or 'THOSE TERRORIST PAKIS....' no offense, but you had to hear that. Even the lightest ones are not seen as 'white' to non-S.E. Asians! Please keep this in mind. If you do not believe this, then try taking one of thier daughter's hand in marriage and see the familiy's reaction.

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Priya Ramachandran said...

Interesting post, P-o-P. Equally interesting are the comments. I'm a south Indian Hindu married to an desi Catholic, and I'm happy to report that the color complex is alive, and kicking in south India, as also among the Christian community.

In the Christian community, people will often talk about rice Christians - the 'lower' castes such as fishermen that the Portuguese and British converted -and the fairer Namboodiri (Brahmin) Christians that St. Thomas is supposed to have converted. the irony. Intermarriage among these groups is still not the norm.

The color complex is a cultural construct as opposed to a religious one. I hear south Asians commenting about color all the time, but also my Buddhist Burmese and confucian Chinese acquaintances as well.

And totally off-topic but to address Black Lion's assertion - "that is okay for the Hindus who would sooner worship a monkey and a cow than to respect or look like an African" - the reasons for cow and monkey worship among Hindus are too complex to address here. Think about this - if God is all powerful, and all-capable, why would you put him/her in a box by assuming him/her to be formless, featureless - the way Muslims believe, or to restrict him/her to a human form - the way Christians do? The Hindu belief that the One God is in everyone and in everything is remarkably liberating. Once you see that, you can see how everything/one is worthy of worship and how everything/one is just a representation of the One.

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the color complex has always been an issue with the South Asian communities- despite where ever they live e.g. UK, USA etc....

I am a dark skinned Indian girl and often fairer skinned South Asian boys have said to me jokingly that 'for a darkie, you are okay looking'.

I used to resent that and whenever I used to argue about it then I would be the one who had the issues!

So if someone insulted me and if I fought back- I had the issues?!

Thats how it was seen - especially in the Pakistani communities. I was supposed to actually stay quiet or laugh it off when someone would say anything insulting....

But its not just a Paki thing. Its an Indian thing, Bangladeshi thing, Asian thing...

Hell would freeze before people from these groups will change their mindset about color of one.

I am a proud Indian and I am proud to be dark. That is my ethnicity and atleast I am being true to myself and not trying to be something else what millions of women and girls try to be in the South Asian communities.

Its all about respecting who you are...

At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blak Lion was right! I read your post and feel the exact same way! Matter of fact, you inspired my own blogger name.
If it takes hell to freeze over before the oppressors of the world are reviled in the subcontinent and the dark, non-oppressors are respected, then praise Allah that hell won't freeze over and will be filled with the white supremacist Hindus who began this caste-system! Praise be to Allah who disgraces the monkey worshippers and the white supremacists, while guiding so-called "Black supremacists" to Al-Islam. Allahu Akbar! Praise be to Allah that promised the Muslims the conquest of India in the last days! I just hope the ones who do are the darkest, Blackest, biggest-lipped Africans Allah ever created!

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FUCK OFF out of britian back to your own country

At 7:13 PM, Blogger rita said...

Hello, I'm a proud-to-be dark-skinned Bengali woman and I've decided that that it is too distressing to deal with the politics of colour that subsumes South Asian communities. Although South Asian men may see me as average by virtue of my darker skin, I've never had a problem finding dates and, in fact, probably 60% of the men who ask me out are white, while the other 40% are Black and Latin. Because South Asian men seem to ask me out the least, I've have mostly dated or had significant relationships with white, Black, Latin etc. men and women (yes I'm bisexual). I realize that I'm fortunate to be living in a liberal multi-ethnic city, Toronto, which has given me the space to defy the racist cultural norms that can tear away at a person's sense of self. What do I think people, especially my dark-skinned sisters, should take from what I'm saying? If people from your own community can't appreciate your beauty then be a maverick and explore other opportunities. You'll be surprised that there are people out there ready and willing to appreciate you for who you are. I'm not suggesting that it is easy; racism is pervasive. But seeking out other types of people and relationships has allowed me to feel beautiful in my skin. Indeed, I could not live any other way.

At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all ya mothafuckin rassist and black idiots who are against us pakis fuck you and your mothafuckin mothers iam a paki with the hard attitude
death to ya all stupids who areagainst us pakis
We pakis arent terrorist a few of us a few white americans are rassist not all a few germans were rassist but not all so dont think wrong about us
peace to all who respect us and our style

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohhhh, im really sad you know what so what if asians prefer light skin and try to make it lighter becoz in the east poor ppl were browner working in the field, and rich ppl lighter this showed their higher social standing so naturally pll want to be of a higher class same here in the west poor ppl used to work in the factories and were paler skinned rich ppl were browner tanned becoz they could afford holidays, so western ppl want to tan themselves to seem richer! get it!!! asains love black ppl but some wanna be whiter due to the reason explained above, ps black lion- if you think black is soooo beautiful which it is why do you wanna chase after asian women instead of black women huh? becoz black women in the US have the same issues bless them and wanna go lighter coz their men chase after white women! Dont Hate Pakis this is a world issue Got It!

At 1:30 PM, Blogger Open said...

Have a look at the posh paki explain the collection of chequebooks. http://www.paki.tv

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The colonial powers were white and technologically superior. It's no surprise that their color, white, was therefore deemed to be superior.

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello I'm s Sikh and an Indian and I hate Pakis to and me and alot of other sikhs are supporting and voting BNP.. I'm sure many of you have heard of Rajinder singh (sikh BNP spokesperson) so what I'm trying to say here is Pakis dont have any support..

Also look at Britain I mean "Black History Month" FUCK THAT! VOTE BNP TO RID THIS BS

At 5:48 AM, Blogger Zara said...


At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zara, I was on a site and it was about killing the "Asian" word. All of the Sikhs and hindus didn't want it but the muslim scum did...

What does thus tell you?


At 5:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you indians think by kissing white peoples ass you will be seen as better people...they still think of you as a bunch of fucking kiss ups...as for the rest of you i have sikh friends,,indian,bengali,jamiacan friends and we dont seem to have any problems getting along....and we respect each others religion...maybe you lot need to stop hating on each other and look at your selves and what a bunch of dick heads u look like criticising other religions and ethnic backgrounds.....start respecting your own ethnicity rather than trying to be white....

At 5:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

black lion and african lion...i think you are judgeing us on the basis of a few pakistanis,i myself am a pakistani and have a muticultural group of people who i socialise with,and i can also tell you the the young black boys are also not as polite as you think...youths in general have become very antisocial and we should be decresing this by showing them that we get along and we respect each other despite the colour of our skin...and for the rest of you...oyu need to look closely at yourselves before you judge others...and you hindu's and sikhs supporting bnp..they dont like you anymore than they like us...

At 8:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fuck off all pakis all over the world, who the fuck do you think you are ?

Get over it , no matter how hard you try you will NEVER be WHITE !

At 4:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is a paki related site. It shows those paki assholes who abuse in indian chat rooms and got busted .


At 4:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exact link is www.busted-paki.memebot.com

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muslims call us whites racist because a lot of whites dont like them but im aware that being a 'racist' is hating someone because of the colour of their skin, the thing is, for a lot of whites, thats not the reason at all!, a lot of whites hate them because they are 'bad' people. Whites get along with the blacks whos skin is dark so i dont understand how we can be racist. Another thing is packistani's calling each other 'niggers', i didnt see any packistani's in the slave trade and i dont remember the word 'nigger' respresenting someone because they have dark skin, it represents a culture AKA africans, jamaicans etc etc. Thats something they need to recognise

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the UK we are a sophisticated 21st culture and country.

We accept people regardless of their skin colour race or religion.

Backward countries judge people on their religion race or skin colour.

That is why many backward third world countries unfortunately have a colour complex.

At 11:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i am a 14 year old indian girl that goes to a school full of mostly pakistanis and africans and it aint no problem to me. ok i admit it, many of my muslim friends always talk about their religion and think that their religion is better than everyone elses but it doesn't really bother me anymore, its the individual that counts not the religion. my family hate blacks and pakis but still they stay in an area which is mostly full of them. what idiots eh? hindus/sikhs who always try to differ themselves from muslims are stupid becasue all racists see all south east asians the same. a racist wont go ooh look an indian, ooh look a bangladeshi they would just call you a muslim paki so whats the point. now on this complexion issue, yes its true most indians (that i know anyway) think blacks are inferior to them, they think oh there hairs fucked there complexions fucked and what not. they think white people are better. my cousin got married to a white man, they didn't think it was right but then they just said at least it aint a black man. my bestfriends black and shes probably one of the prettiest girls in our year. indians dat are dark skinned get seen as unattracitve and i think its a whole load of bullocks. people of my generation don't think like that its just the old indians that do because of their backward ways and shit. bollywood is fucked aswell, i went india recently and there wasn't even one dark skinned indian on tv and there were always these ad about 'fair and lovely cream'. look at kareena kapoor, shes sooooo fair skinned but shes sooooo ugly!!

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Black Lion,
Interesting that you talk of racism and then turn around saying that you hate us all and make disparaging remarks on Hinduism. Typical Black hypocrisy. The point is we worship cows and monkeys maybe, but it sure beats believing that raping babies cure AIDS, eating genitalia increases sexual prowess, and beliving in voodoo and muti. LOL, you guys even believe that you could move pyramid with your mind power, haha. Your "religion" is cutting off genitals for voodoo, thats it. And since you have used a racial slur "Paki" ,up yours NIGGER.

Your nigger "culture" involves tribal wars and genocide and putting the begging bowl to the rest of the world. Hindu culture is vastly superior to your nigger disculture. Hindus made many advancements in math,astronomy and medicine. What have niggers done? Chop up people for muti,thats what. That sums up your nigger religion.

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u know wat us pakiz are prwd so go piss off an u find out wat will happen on judgment day u bastards

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a dark-skinned African American woman, and for the longest time I didn't know Indians could be dark! You certainly don't see it in cinema. The first time I encountered dark Indians was when I visited Trinidad. I have to say that I find dark Indians much more attractive than lighter Indians. That is my bias.

I am sad to know that the Indian people are enslaved to the color complex as are most American Blacks. I don't know that it will ever change for either of us. All I can say is raise the next generation with pride of self.

My mother raised me that way. I never once felt inferior for being darker or unnattractive. As my grandmother used to say, "The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice." Also, "good black don't crack." Something to think about.

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am a dark indian hindu girl, i have always been attracted to dark skin, back in india the ugliest girl will be considered pretty if she is fair. I really hate this whole light skin, dark skin business how did we get from the topic of skin colour to religion and paki's are this indians are that. do you not see this is how everything escalates, how if we had a debate about the colour of socks, it would lead to this. we are doomed and the world will end in war unless EVERYONE of u in this blog changes your mind, refuses to sterotype and be happy with differences of culture no matter what. we should all agree to disagree and be tolerant, every skin colour is beautiful white, black, brown...deep inside you all know its true

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep sure thing the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice, the richer the taste, the darker the fruit

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate sikhs wid their turbans they smell lol

At 9:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pakistani respect brap mess with me ill get u bombed all u sikh man make me sick lickin white peeps ass and u should respect one another man u racist bastards no matta watt the colour if u got a problem wid that u need serious help yo inabit yh u dub ass people pakis respect proud to be a paki

At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate Islaam. FAtima Bibi was a whore . muhhmedd biggest asshole(GAndu)... i fukked his all three daughters(mannat, Al faza,...) n made thm Whore as well.
muslims get their ass rubbed on maka madina...every year.

At 1:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hindu"s dont have power in their penis. thts y hindu women worship PENIS ( Shiv Penis).. they get thm slf satified frm black stone..;))

Hindu grls are whore ... i fukked many hre in London.. hindu rubb their asses on SHIV-LING +
GaNesH (elephant :D)... burma Fukked his daughter saraswati :((

At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

www.busted-paki.memebot.com is a funny website ,and a totall mehsus for paki assholes who abuse in indian chat rooms.


At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i,l tell you lot who the MOST racist people are.ANY ONE WITH A SKIN TONE OTHER THAN WHIT.....and my resaones for this are..england rule 76% of the globe..then after inpossining its self on them country,s and culters left them for dead....i.e filling people with hope and wisdom that they could look after them selfs and feed them selves the left that particular part of the worl to view more ..what happen was the lessons that the english tort..got forgoten..(because due to inbreading people with darker skin are to THICK to understand).so we leave them to there own devise's.....so what happen the ???
thay hate the westen worl for telling them how to look after them selves then leaving ..and they fucked it up..and created there own way of life and religion..

can i? as a white man walk down my road and call ..a person passing by BROTHER????
CAN I WALK down my road and call a black person BROTHER ???? no because i would be instanlly labled a racist...

and other like calling a black person nigger...it is in propper to call a black man nigger if you white..but perfectlly ok to call a black person nigger if ya black??

RADIO ONE HAS A STATION CALLED ONE XTRA (BECAUSE BLACKS CANT SPELL extra) it lables its self black music for black people????????? wtf is that all about

what a bout one,s music ha ha ha lar de dar music for white,s...there would be and outrage and the station would be shut down



eat english localy produced farm fresh food..eat health..feel health..be health ......and stop giving your hard work for cash to people that do not ....DO NOT RESPECT YOU AND YOUR COUNTRY..

At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am adi from uk. We hav a real prob here with the pakis. I like all nationalities and hav travelled all over the world but people here are scared to stand up and save are country from the cancer of the pakis. peopl are scared of the pakis and of being labelled a racists. If we do not stand up against them in twenty years time they will be chasing us down the street. I am urging people to do something. lord montgomery is my family and he never lost a battle in ww2. I want to follow in his footsteps and have the holy war while are numbers are good. identityxco@hotmaol.com is my email/enlist soldiers and save are future. I am a successfull business man not some mong wake up and smell the coffee stick together change the world. heavy you think , but its a wonderful thought.

At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

From Adi.sorry my e mail was hotmail.com made a mistake in last comment.

I love indians , chinese and blacks they are some of the nicest people I know and nicer than most white people I know but pakis I would not piss on if they was on fire. they are the most racist bad attitude people around.they make good currys though the fucking ramjams

At 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop insulting religions... here i know everyone is doing this just for fun..
everybody has to pay for it

At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Islaam Sukks !!! 50 yr old muhhmedd married to 6 yr old infant(gurl child) ... islaam has no respect for WOMEN
they (marry)fukk their own sisters..n aunties.;))
thy worship Moon-GOD allah :((

At 3:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao u sad bunch of muvafukaz, chat al da shit u want bwt islam bt dat dnt mek ne of it tru, u no absolutely fkal, u biches cnt even stik 2 ur own religion so hw da fk u suposed 2 no wt wer abwt? muhammad dint marry ne1 at age 50, n altho u wyt trash myt nt av ne standards muslims r 4biden 2 marry der antyz n sistaz. also ders no such fing as da moon god- no1 nos wt God (Allah) lux lyk n muslims dnt associ8 God wiv nefin, unlyk u christians dat beleiv da prophet Jesus was god n at da sme tym da son of god, i mean dat dnt evn make fkin sens 4 a strt. o n 'romantic' (lmao wtf is ur name abwt?!) as 4 ur bulshit st8ment bwt islam nt avin respek 4 women, luk at dat journalist yvonne ridley, she was 'kidnapd 2 raise atenshn', she wznt abused or viol8d (n u racist wyt trash biches no 4 a fact al ur lil fagot troops go rapin inocent citezens in iraq), insted she was deprived of nufin n she wz taken cre of, fed propaly n released in no tym, she went bk 2 da u.k. n red da english translation of da holy quran...n wt did she do? she bcame muslim n she stil is nw, islam is a beautiful n peceful relijon, jus cuz a few twisted, uneduc8d dikeds use it as n xcuse 2 hurt n kil inocent ppl it dont mean dats wt dis relijon is abwt, if ur gna diss, speak da truth, ne1 can chat shit dumbasses. N a few points- ASYLUM SEEKERS (NOT PAKIS) get evryfin frm da fkn government, pakis bin in england 4 nearly 50 yrz nw, da majority r honest, hardwrkin citezens, yh ders alota paki dealaz bt ders alota blak dealaz, ders alota wyt dealaz- race dont determin weva ur criminally minded, n as 4 terorists, lyk i sed b4- deyr al twisted, uneduc8d priks, dey evn dnt no da relijon dey fink deyr fytin 4. Seein as u ad 2 gt al polotical, y da fk cnt da americans n dat find fkin osama? wt da fk apend 2 da WMD's dat bush claimed wer abwt? y dey takin so long wid iraq? oo am sure its gt nufin 2 do wid al da oil da fkn americans r getn (not). ne tru muslim weva deyr blak, wyt, asian, hispanic etc wud neva juj by cula of skin, islam teaches equality- no rank determined by cula or ne bulshit caste systm. o n fair dues alota pakis r taxi drivers, bt u cnt cal da majority of us uneduc8d- half da fukin NHS is paki doctaz (btw i dnt h8 indians n i do aknolij ders sum indian doctaz n dat 2 bt stil ma point remains). n as 4 us makin gd curryz, no m8- we simply actuly no hw 2 cuk, cuz we aint sun readin, wyt trash, council house scum hu liv off dole n methadone. u ppl r oryt 2 gt racist n cocky hidin bhynd ur pcs bt we al no wt apenz onda street, u cant 4get da bradford riots, u cnt n u wont, liv wid da shame, pakis r doin it, wer runin ur fukin cuntry n u cnt do fkal, jus suk it :]

At 5:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

worst religion of world = islaam
poorest people of world = muslmaan
mst illitrate people = sulle of'cos
world known terrorists= Islaamii'z
religion dont respect women= islaam
religion worshipin moon God= islaam
mostly fukked by americans= Islaam

if thre's anything pending let me know :)) i ll write next time :D

At 9:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

go worship ur fukin elephant, raam or w/e ur name is, n pul ur tung owta da americanz arses...o n poorest ppl?...brunei, dubai, saudi?? wtf r u finkin, if u fink cuntryz lyk dat r poor, r der ne cuntryz dat r actuly rich in ur eyes? cuz if u aint realized dum fuk, wer doin it :D
wt figgaz u holdin? u swnd lyk a fukin indian so much i can almst fkn smel u, do us al a favor- wash ur hair n shave ur pubes 4 godsake, mus b ard enuf 4 indians 2 get ne axeptabl nookie
if ders ne uva pending advyc ur in need of, jus let me no pussy boi :D

At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

synonyms of Islaam:
suppression Of WOMEN

correct me if im wrong....
im waiting for ur reply (anonymous)

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

im not racist but why do paki's where turbos on their heads or isit turbans ? why do they all smell of curry and sweat ? i like to play with furry bumhole of paki men whilst fisting my annus

At 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wdfff u raghedz.. pakiz aint dun shyt al wa srt of dikhed makez a syt lyk dis u dumm shyt u aint gt a lyf u dirty fokazz
pakizzz rule tingz ye
paki n proud braaaaap

At 4:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

there are too many Asians everywhere, why is it that India and Pakistan (Pakis in particular) are supposed to be one of the poorest countries in the world, but Pakis are everywhere?, and think they're superior than the white, I find them absolutely hideous and vile to look at, Indians (Hindus) aren't as gross, but still they're irritating, its high time, they sell up their corner shops, curry houses (in which they only employ their 'own' kind), Drs go and help their own dieing kind in INDIA! and stop , and GO BACK TO THEIR HOME LANDS, instead of draining the British Economy and exhausting other British people. Why don't they buy property in INDIA or PAKISTAN and GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think all smelly dirty paki bastard muslim fucks should piss off back to pakiland,we dont want em ere they breed faster than gerbils it only takes 2 of the dirty bastards and b4 you know it you 22 all in one house!! just fuck off home and take yer fukin currys wiv ya init

At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

all pakis are smelly bastards and i wish they would fuck of out of england be 4 i kill them all the ugly curry fuckings assholes fuck off home you islamic fucks

At 8:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is quite simple, really. Christians, Sikhs, Jews, Buddhists, Shintoists and the like are tolerant, decent people who pursue peaceful religions and can live together in relative harmony.

On the other hand muslims are dangerous scum. The basic need is:

Round them up

Send them to any muslim country

Nuke and exterminate these vermin

We all know that's the right way to do things. But nobody dares. Let's hope that one day there's a disease that kills muslim scum and leaves the rest healthy. The world would be a better place.

muslims - DIE. Mohammed was a paedophile and I pi*s and s**t on allah.

At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r a bi9 bloody mother fucker
thats why u fucin getin pissed

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

let me tell all u HINDUS n SIKHS u'll after have 2 pay 4 it whatever u've wrote about Muhammad (PBUH)

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

pakis killed our gurus , they deserved to be gone i hate dem !

At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find "pakis" the funniest people in the world. They have so much "paki pride" but live in england. They say they love their country & that England is a shithole & that they hate the hate english or white people. For fuck sake, if it pisses you of that much get your arse to an airport & get on the next pakistani plane out of our fucking country! If you all loved your religion & were such good muslims you wunt do things allah told u not to. Lets face facts you have sex with every female member of your family & then slap them about while their pregnent with either your's or your brothers child. You all seem to think you're superiour to white people, but as a matter of fact you read the qu'ran backwards your dads got 7 wifes & you have no idea which 1 really is your mother. Your brothers married to your sister while having 24 children to 3 of your cousins and the best thing you can think of to do with your time is teach your 7 children all under 10 how to use a gun. You also have the cheek & the nerve to say we rape everyone. For fuck sake tell me how many people in your family let alone your mosque (although there probably all your fucking family) have not been done for rape (lets leave out the under 16's). Your dirty little bastards who seem to think your capable of beating up anyone when your with your "home boys". Get the fuck out of our country you allah praying aided up, arse raping fucking MUSLIM grot bags !


At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i reeli fink dey shud get outta our country they act like they own evry corner shop.
and i know that most pakis arnt all bad but some are and thats the most annoying fing ov all abwt them.


At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I speak for all Africans by saying that "they all prefer light skin and good hair". I never understood the african nerve to accuse people of racism. Most West Africans "bleach" their skin. Get over it dark skinned people of Earth. The world prefers light skin.

At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this site is full of comments by complete arseholes

At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your all fucking paki cunts! C18

At 8:47 PM, Blogger we hate u black fukin pakis said...

ur mum has a big ass@hotmail.com lol fukoff u turban wearin paki twats did all ur mums n ur dads av 26 kids :L paki pride??? wtf ur black how can u be proud of that??? ur mum smells of curry 24/7 n ur sisters pregnant with ur kids uv gt 6 wid ur cousins so ha fuk u mwa ha ha av sum of that u kunts ye shutup u slags---thats wot i say wen ur mum screams:L go drive ur taxis offa cliff:L

At 8:57 PM, Blogger we hate u black fukin pakis said...

i think all smelly dirty paki bastard muslim fucks should piss off back to pakiland,we dont want em ere they breed faster than gerbils it only takes 2 of the dirty bastards and b4 you know it you 22 all in one house!! just fuck off home and take yer fukin currys wiv ya init u fukin turban wearin smelly kunts i did muhammads mum n allah had 79 kids with his daughter n u like an elephant t be ur god:L wtf wot a bunch of tits an elephant with 8 arms??? ur god aswell be a curry:L go drive ur fukin taxis off a cliff u cocks:L

At 9:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

i think all smelly dirty paki bastard muslim fucks should piss off back to pakiland,we dont want em ere they breed faster than gerbils it only takes 2 of the dirty bastards and b4 you know it you 22 all in one house!! just fuck off home and take yer fukin currys wiv ya init
fuk u u all wear turbans n allah had like 100 kids with his sister so ha bitches n ur gods an elephant i mean wtf?? it mite aswell be a curry go drive ur taxis off a cliff i wud be so happy i wud video it just to see that happen:L so get fucked u cocks

At 6:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know as much as the British were kicked out legally so mnay years ago, there are still many step to be taken to kick that servile mentality out of the conciousness of the sub-continent. It sickens me and leaves with a sick taste in my mouth when I hear utterings of "whiter is righter, fairer is better". Oh yeah, that was all well and good when those pasty potato faced bastards, the British crown were STARVING our people by the 10s of millions. So when you take a look in the mirror, remember it was those generations of darkly divine people that afforded us the position to have taken back our land and now it's time to take back our diginity. Run in the sun, play in hay and don't let some colourless cultureless sack of crap make you feel less than!

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Miles said...

If people don't like your colour mix with better people. It's them that have the problem and they'll probably need councilling for it sooner or later.

At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Running Palin for President after she quit her office in Alaska mid-term.
Don't be surprised if they are using this as a reverse positioning ploy:::
Growing disrespect of conservatives ignites a "Californication" liberal movement.
Don't be suprised if we emerge from this event with a one-party system effectively:::Yet another benefit eliminated.
Sarah Palin's words, demeanor and extreme masculiinization are clues to conservatives.
Is this really what they think it means to be a decent woman?
There are corruptors among them who think they're "earning" who will promote her, and come election day if people still do everything they are told this person will win.
Holding that semi-automatic gun she is the very epitome of "Californication", ironically.
How many of these lesbians fancy their weaponry?

Sexy Parris.
Sexy Dale Fitzgerald.
Un-sexy Dr. Lisa.
Artist Formerly Known As Sexy before he was reincarnated.

This IS the event. I am the telepathic prophet.
There may have been no other way in today's modern age:::Use popular culture as temptation and keep teachings primarily telepathic.
So much corruption, people who think obedience is the way, and immediately erase what could be their last chance, ironically.

The Gods have created this sick, deranged enviornment to punish us.
We've ALL been here on Planet Earth before. Some are being punished more than others. Hitler IS running around down here on Earth after all.
Part of this deterioration is cloaked in the way society functions::::Two-parent working households, rushing around, constantly occupied.
Some don't listen. Others only hear it in a dream.
You have to pay for what you've done wrong. The soomer you stop offending behavior the less you'll be punished.

As we witness the Gods position out my sacrifice, so have we witness the Gods "position out" all these items of popular culture the Gods used to::
1. Send a clue about the Situation
2. Offer the element of temptation, since I would never be willing as were my predicesors.

Since the element of evil temptation, attributable to every prophet, was not positioned expect it still is to come.
My Holocaust.
I noted how as we become increasingly indecent the Gods have phased out elements which gave people pause, made them think twice:::Punishment as favor from the Gods.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Diepiriye said...

Thanks for opening this discussion. And it certainly has provoked many folks to consider all that you say. I am a dark skinned Nigerian-American and have lived in Delhi for over 7 years. It's hard to see skin bleach ads posted everywhere in public spaces, in glossies on big and small screens on billboards. These ads so blatantly hate on the so-called native. My favorite is the 'fairness meter' which is a piece of card tinted dark to light so heavy skin bleach users can see the native fade away. It's anything but fair. The Matrimonials are worse, and so bad that they actually get delivered to your house and kids see them and learn that it's all ok. Girls can see that being gori is as important a guy having a PhD or a foreign visa.


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