Pissed Off Paki

I'm pissed off and I'm Paki - do I really need to say anything more?

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Illegal Immigration

Here's the draft for my immigration bill

Deporting the 12 million illegal immigrants is stupid because it will cost 100-200 billion dollars. Are you ok with tax increases and/or a larger fiscal deficit? I thought so.

Making illegal immigration a felony? Retarded, as that would triple the prison population to 18 million. Next please.

The only logical option is to have earned citizenship/amnesty/whatever you want to call it. If you have any criminal record - bye bye. If you've been in the country for > 5 years, just pay back taxes and a fine, get temporary worker status and go back to the end of the line waiting for your green card. If for less than 5 years, but > 2, then you have to go back to your country of origin, apply for a temp work permit, and your green card simulataneously. Been here less than 2 years - deported no questions asked. However - no temporary work permits to be issued to new people - only for those that have resided in the US for more than 2 years and have no criminal record + other background checks of course.

That being said, it doesn't mean we shouldn't secure the borders - yes build the wall and increase border patrol, and initiate deportation proceedings on a fast-track basis.

The next thing would be to target companies that hire illegal aliens, and impose loss of licenses, fines etc.

Next thing - eliminate country based quotas for immigration, and establish a simple points system like Canada and Australia. If you're educated, speak English, have work experience you get in. If there seems to be lack of unskilled manual labour, just lower standards, and adjust accordingly in the future - treat it as a steam valve for relieving pressure from time to time.

I think I should be a Senator.


At 10:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So which of these scenarios applies to you?

At 12:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd vote for you. Alybaba for Senate 2006!


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